====== Edward Bell ====== [[pc:Edward Bell | Back]] | **Nature:** Survivor | **Demeanor:** Director | | **Character Type:** Werewolf | **Concept:** Bushcraft Garou | | **Player Name:** AutumnFurry | **Breed:** Homid | | **Auspice:** Ahroun | **Tribe:** Children of Gaia | ---- ===== Attributes ===== ^ **Physical** ^^ **Social** ^^ **Mental** ^^ |Strength | 3 |Charisma | 3 |Perception | 3 | |Dexterity | 3 |Manipulation | 3 |Intelligence | 2 | |Stamina | 4 |Appearance | 2 |Wits | 3 | **Attribute Specialties:** \\ Stamina 4: Tireless ---- ===== Abilities ===== ^ **Talents** ^ ^ **Skills** ^ ^ **Knowledges** ^ ^ |Alertness | 2 |Animal Ken | 0 |Academics | 0 | |Art | 0 |Crafts | 4 |Belief Systems | 0 | |Athletics | 1 |Drive | 1 |Computers | 0 | |Brawl | 2 |Etiquette | 0 |Enigmas | 2 | |Empathy | 0 |Firearms | 0 |Finance | 0 | |Expression | 0 |Larceny | 0 |Investigation | 2 | |Intimidation | 1 |Martial Arts | 0 |Law | 0 | |Intuition | 0 |Melee | 3 |Medicine | 0 | |Leadership | 2 |Performance | 0 |Occult | 2 | |Primal Urge | 3 |Stealth | 3 |Politics | 0 | |Streetwise | 0 |Survival | 3 |Research | 0 | |Subterfuge | 0 |Technology | 0 |Science | 0 | ^ Secondary and Splat Specific Abilities ^^^^^^ |--- | 0 |--- | 0 |Rituals | 1 | |--- | 0 |--- | 0 |--- | 0| |--- | 0 |--- | 0 |--- | 0| | --- | 0 | --- | 0 |--- | 0| ^ Lores ^ Ratings ^ |Awakened | 0 | |Gallian | 0 | |Reborn | 0 | |Shapeshifter | 1 | |Spirits | 0 | |The Hunt | 0 | |Undead | 0 | **Ability Specialties:** \\ Crafts 4: Bushcraft, Wood Carving ===== Backgrounds Merits and Flaws ===== **Backgrounds:**\\ Pure Breed: 3 Resources: 1 Rites: 1 Spirit Heratige (Coyote): 1 ----- **Merits:**\\ Calm Heart: 3 Acute Sense (Sight): 1 ----- **Flaws:**\\ Forced Transformation (Full Moon): 2 Strict Carnivore: 1 ===== Resources ===== **Willpower:** 6 / 6 \\ **Rage:** 5 / 5 \\ **Gnosis:** 3 / 3 \\ **Harano:** 0 / 3 ===== Renown ===== **Glory:** 2 \\ **Honor:** 1 \\ **Wisdom:** 0 \\ ===== Gifts ===== Apecrafts Blessing, Homid, Rank 1 Inspiration, Arhound, Rank 1 Mothers Touch, Children of Gaia, Rank 1 ===== Rites ===== Rite of Talisman Dedication ===== Backstory ===== **Physical Description:**\\ Edward is short yet powerfully built, standing at 5'2 with long brown hair, a shorter yet full beard, and green eyes. Despite his small size, he has clear muscle, notably on his legs and back. Commonly he's dressed in shorts and t-shirts, though in weather demand he wears pants and jackets that fit the outdoors. **Personality:**\\ Edward is notably calm for an Ahroun, he can easily be labeled as polite and well-mannered, though don't let him deceive you he is also sometimes known for his tricks and pranks. **Backstory:**\\ Edward Bell was born in Gatlinburg, Tennessee to Christopher Bell a Child of Gaia kinfolk, and Julia Bell a Child of Gaia Ragabash in 2004. He has 2 brothers, Markus Bell his older brother of 2 years, and Travis Bell his twin brother. Julia is a Garou within the Sept of the Changing Seasons in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Gatlinburg. Growing up in the town with his two brothers, the children were homeschooled by their father, a former park ranger of the national park now a full-time dad and homeschool teacher. With his father's teachings, Edward learned a lot about the outdoors and nature. Edward would spend a lot of time outside with his brothers and some of the neighborhood children. As he grew up he learned to hunt with a bow, learned some bushcraft skills, and learned to navigate the wilderness effectively. It wasn't long before a magical change happened in the Bell family. On July 16th, 2017 Edward and his brother Markus were exploring a little in the wilderness not far from town when their lives would be changed forever. A wounded black bear shot by poachers charged the two boys. But Edward would experience a sudden shift in himself, the spike of adrenaline and maybe it was aided by the fear for his brother's life, forcing his body to undergo his first change. Though the bear fled the freshly changed Garou, Edward gave chase ultimately killing the would-be threat to his and his brother's life. He was found shortly after by his mother, her pack, and his brother. Starting a new chapter in his life as one of Gaia's warriors. He would then spend his days on Sept, learning the ways of Garou, making new friends, and learning to control his newfound blessing and curse. In 2019, after two years of being a Cub Edward would finally partake on his Right of Passage. His challenge was fairly simple, lead a hunt for a troublesome bane that has been worrying some spirits and needs to be dealt with. Edward would form a small pack of sorts with a few of his fellow Cubs who were tasked to join him, under the supervision of a Fostern Child of Gaia Arhoun they begin hunting. Demonstrating leadership, knowledge of the local area, and a restraint on his rage and aggression during the hunt. When the group returned Edward was deeded Hunts-From-The-Shadows, for his use of stealth to barely give the Bane a chance to react, and his previous time as a Cub demonstrating a knack for hiding. From 2019 to 2023, Edward spent his time leading the pack he formed after his Rite of Passage. Despite the ups and downs that they suffered, he kept them as together as he could. The pack would serve vitally as a scout pack for the Sept and despite their age, prove quite useful, especially with Edward's teachings. Though in early 2023, the pack would face a rough period that inevitably with the loss of a long-time member the collapse of the Pack. Though Edward quickly made another plan, hearing of Starke and Strange Waters and convincing his Mother, he set off for Florida. Hoping a new scenery and people may allow him to form a new pack. **Freebies:**\\ ---Spent--- Intimidation 1: 2pts Leadership 2: 2pts Enigmas 2: 2pts Pure Breed 3: 1pt Spirit Heritage 2: 1pt Gnosis 2-3: 4pt Willpower 5-6: 2pt Calm Heart: 3pt Acute Sense: 1pt Total Spent: 18pts ---Returns--- Forced Transformation: 2pt Strict Carnivore: 1pt Total Returns: 3pt ---Total--- 18-3=15pts **Notes:**\\ ---Additional Lores--- Children of Gaia Lore: 1 ---Owned Items--- Large backpack, clothing, various camping and bushcraft items, essential needs, hand carved oak staff. ----- ========== ======= Front Page Markup ======= ========== [[pc:sc:Edward Bell Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:max_xp_log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Edward Bell ====== Player: [[AutumnFurry]] ===== Description: ===== Edward is short yet powerfully built, standing at 5'2 with long brown hair, a shorter yet full beard, and green eyes. Despite his small size, he has clear muscle, notably on his legs and back. Commonly he's dressed in shorts and t-shirts, though in weather demand he wears pants and jackets that fit the outdoors. ===== Personality ===== Edward is notably calm for an Ahroun, he can easily be labeled as polite and well-mannered, though don't let him deceive you he is also sometimes known for his tricks and pranks. **Obvious Details:** **Less Than Obvious Details:** **Banality Score:** ----- ========== ======= XP Log Markup ======= ========== [[pc:Edward Bell | Back]] \\
action pagemod _self add_xp_entry fieldset "New XP ENTRY Form" date "Entry Date" select "Entry XP Amount" "1|2|3|4|5|10" select "Entry XP Type" "Scene XP|Catch Up XP|Weekly XP|Floor XP" textbox "Link to Announcement (Optional)" ! textbox "Scene Name (Optional)" ! textarea "Entry Notes (Optional)" x3 ! submit
Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:\\ ''This is a sentence.\''''\ This is another sentence.''
action pagemod _self add_xp_purchase fieldset "New XP PURCHASE Form" date "Purchase Approval Date" date "Completion Date" number "Purchase XP Amount" textbox "Item Purchased" number "XP Reduction (Only if Rewarded)" ! textarea "Purchase Notes (Optional)" x3 ! submit
Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:\\ ''This is a sentence.\''''\ This is another sentence.''
---- ====== Experience Tracking ====== ''(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in [[https://canary.discord.com/channels/796888067466199060/863992027293024266|Discord Channel: #wiki-help]].)'' ^ **Total** ^ **Current** ^ **Monthly Cap** ((You will need to manually keep track of this.)) ^ | ~~=sum(xptotal.c1r1:c1r300)~~ | ~~=c0r1-sum(xppurchase.c2r1:c2r300)-sum(xppurchase.c4r1:c4r300)~~ | 0/30 | ---- ===== XP Gain Log ===== ^ ~~=label(xptotal)~~**Date** ^ **XP** ^ **XP Type** ^ **Scene** ^ **Notes** ^ |@@Entry Date@@ |@@Entry XP Amount@@ XP |@@Entry XP Type@@ |[[@@Link to Announcement (Optional)|@@|@@Scene Name (Optional)|N/A@@]] |@@Entry Notes (Optional)|@@ | ---- ===== XP Purchase Log ===== | //Monthly Discount Cap:// ((You will need to manually keep track of this.))||||0/15 || ^ ~~=label(xppurchase)~~**Approval Date** ^ **Completion Date** ^ **XP** ^ **Purchased** ^ **Discount?** ^ **Notes** ^ |@@Purchase Approval Date@@ |@@Completion Date|N/A@@ |@@Purchase XP Amount@@ XP |@@Item Purchased@@ |-@@XP Reduction (Only if Rewarded)|0@@ XP |@@Purchase Notes (Optional)|@@ | ---- ===== Current XP Requests ===== \\ ''(NOTE: End each line with \''''\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)''\\