[[pc:sc:Anastasia Yershova Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:Anastasia Yershova XP Log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Anastasia Yershova ====== Player: [[Zechstein]] {{ :pc:60cd7aa128ac23b055bf7622e443ddc2.jpg?350 |}} {{ :pc:2cfd48e4ec1c698fd967f83acfbabc7e.jpg?350 |}} ===== Description: ===== **Height:** 1.65 m / 5'4'' \\ **Haircolour:** Black \\ **Eyecolour:** Gray \\ **Age:** 30 \\ ==== Obvious Details ==== In her mortal mien, Anastasia appears as a moderately pretty Caucasian woman around thirty. Her dark hair is shoulder-long, but often worn in an updo for professional reasons. She speaks English with a faint Russian accent. In her fae mien, Anastasia's skin is much more pasty, and takes on an almost rubbery texture. Her ears are tipped in this form, her eyes are bloodshot, and her mouth reveals itself as a terrible maw full of sharp teeth. **Appearance:** 2 ==== Less-Than-Obvious Details ==== Due to her strong connection to the Dreaming, Anastasia is susceptible to some of the traditional weaknesses ascriebed to fairy creatures in stories (Echoes flaw). Some people might also recognize her from her YouTube channel "The Red Chef," in which she teaches viewers the secrets of Russian cuisine while ranting about a variety of topics. **Banality Score:** 3 \\ **Crossroads Membership:** Probationary ----- ==========