[[.sc:Dennis Alderman_sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[.sc:Dennis ALderman_xp_log|XP Log]] \\ Dennis Alderman Player: FixedRate Edit Description: Dennis is young blonde, blue eyed caucasian man, that naturally oozes an aura of danger. He has scars running across his face that can be seen as something feral was attempting to kill him one day. His attire composed of a black leather jacket with red hankerchief near his neck, along with these cargo pants that end with a combat boots. His paleness, contrasted by his wicked, mismatched wicked teeth make for a terrifying addition to his looks.. For the average person that dislikes thugs. His fae mein is even paler and actively wears a red bandana with the teeth more wicked and shark like in his smile. Edit Personality Dennis is by and large a foul mouthed individual that is driven just as much by his whims as it is for percieved opportunities to take, as his lot in life is not a normal or overtly simple thing to cover. He is pragmatic on what needs to be done to get there, but has zero issues if it includes things that others may consider more morally opposed. But otherwise, straightforward in intentions and mainly looking out for themselves. Obvious Details: Less Than Obvious Details: Banality Score: 4