
Requesting Renown:

To request renown, react to the Renown Request Form, fill in the forms in DMs and wait for approval.

Challenging for Rank:

Garou wishing to challenge for rank should challenge someone of a higher rank in the appropriate auspice, or they may challenge the Master of Challenge. If this challenge is to a PC, the challenge should be cleared with the STs as appropriate before it is offered IC.

Necessary time active in order to challenge for Rank:

  Cliath to Fostern: Minimum of 2 months
  Fostern to Adren: Minimum of 4 months as a Fostern
  Adren to Athro: Minimum of 6 months as an Adren
  Athro to Elder: Minimum of 6 months as an Athro

Retirement: If you retire a character and your 25% refund for a new werewolf character causes you to start with 100xp or more you may start play as a Fostern character, however please note this will require an accompanying backstory that is more detailed than we would ask of a Cliath backstory. Also your character will be a bit older than most cliaths as a result due to their enhanced training.

Renown and Rank:

We are using the Renown Sample Awards from the book. (If you think you have done something worthy of renown but do not see a matching listing in the book, please feel free to ask the STs. We will happily suggest something for you to put in if it is worthy.)

However as you gain rank, you are expected to do more and as such the amount of renown you earn for your actions is less.

You will put in your renown requests as normal, using the suggested renown from STs for scenes or building your request from the Sample Awards in the book, then apply the modifier below yourself before actually submitting the request.

Rank Modifier
Cliath +.1
Fostern +.0
Adren -.05
Athro -.1
Elder -.15

Some renown rewards will still be honored for the full amount! Some of those rewards are not on the sample renown list in the book but will be suggested by the STs at the time it happens.

Examples of these might be the renown for leading a group of Garou into battle and bringing back everyone alive.

How Renown Works:

There are TWO separate Renown ratings. Permanent and Temporary. Temporary Renown is what your requests will be adding to. Temporary Renown will only be converted to Permanent when the Rite of Accomplishment is performed at moots.

Due to STs' time constraints, moots will be attempted quarterly per year. We cannot guarantee this. If we are unable to run a moot, we will arrange to have your Renown converted. Don't worry, we don't try to screw you over. We just ask for some patience.

You can keep all your Temporary Renown until the Rite of Accomplishment is performed. When the conversion happens, you can only convert 3 Permanent per category at a time. Any extra Temporary points will be lost and reset.

So how exactly does it work? Take a look at the tables below…

Notes Glory Honor Wisdom
Start 1 1 1
Gained 1 .15 1 .3 1 .10
Converting… 2 .5 1 .0 2 .0
Converted 2 .0 1 .0 2 .0

Here is another example. Because you will be limited to 3 Permanent per category, all extras are lost.

Notes Glory Honor Wisdom
Gained 2 .20 1 .5 2 .53
Converting… 4 .0 1 .0 5 .23
Converted 4 .0 1 .0 5 .0

If you note, Wisdom had .53 and usually that would mean +5 Perm Wisdom, right? Unfortunately, you can only gain +3 Perm per Moot/Rite of Accomplishment, as written above. Thus, that extra .23 is lost.

Additional Renown:

Due to the Glory being mainly combat here’s a few none combat, while this is applied to all, it’s mainly meant for Galliard’s. More additional renown will be added over time.

-telling a story… + .1 glory . . . Of wisdom . . . + .1 wisdom

. . . Of honor . . . + .1 honor

. . . Of glory . . . + .1 glory

. . . 3+ success . . . +.1 glory and +.1 to whichever type of story it is.

. . . 5+ success . . . +.1 glory and +.1 to whichever type of story it is (stacks with 3+) any success above 6 adds + .1 to glory and type of story.

. . . A story that has a deep impact on someone (i.e., changes them in some way) +.3 glory and +.3 to type of story.

. . . A story in a high stress situation that motivates or calms. . . +.2 glory + .1 wisdom.

. . . Turning a renown worthy (nonperformance activity) into a performance worth telling . . . +.2 glory +.3 depending on story.