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Greyson Moore


Nature: Celebrant - - Demeanor: Caregiver
Character Type: Gurahl - - Concept: Teddybear but a bear
Player Name: Shalassa - - Breed: Homid
Auspice: Arcas - - Tribe: Ice Stalkers


Physical Social Mental
Strength (Powerful Arms) 4 Charisma (Confident) 4 Perception 2
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 2
Stamina (Tough) 4 Appearance 2 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Art 0 Crafts 0 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 3 Drive 0 Computers 0
Brawl 2 Etiquette 1 Enigmas 0
Empathy (Trust) 4 Firearms 0 Finance 0
Expression 0 Larceny 0 Investigation 1
Intimidation 0 Martial Arts 0 Law 1
Intuition 0 Melee 0 Medicine 3
Leadership 0 Performance 0 Occult 0
Primal Urge 3 Stealth 0 Politics 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 3 Research 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 1
Secondary and Splat Specific Abilities
0 Climbing 1 Rites 0
0 Swimming 2 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 0
Shapeshifter 2
Ice Stalkers 2
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Umbral Glade: 3
Mentor: 1
Certificate: 2
Resources: 2


Approachable (1)
There's something very inviting and nonthreatening about you. People find you very easy to start a conversation with. Even distrustful creatures tend to put aside their instinctive wariness of mortals in regard to you. Reduce the difficulty of any Empathy rolls involving other people by two.

Good Listener (1)
You're very interested in people, you enjoy hearing what they have to say and you're prepared to hear them out without interrupting their opinion with your on. Others can sense this and open up to you without really meaning to. The difficulty of all apparently friendly Social rolls that involve people talking to your character are reduced by two.


Lifesaver (3)
You believe that human life is a sacred gift, and will not take a person's life except in the most extreme of circumstances. You may not ever willingly endanger the lives of innocents or in any way participate in a killing. You have no problems with killing animals (for the right reasons), and will kill evil and inhuman creatures to protect others if necessary. (Be very careful, however, with your determination of 'evil'…) Senseless death in all forms repulses you, and you feel that those who commit murder should be punished.

Distinguishing Characteristics (2) Huge scars on the right arm.


Willpower: 6 / 6
Rage: 3/3
Gnosis: 5/5
Harano: 0/3


Detailed List
Ursa’s Cleansing General Gift 1
Master of Fire Homid Gift 1
Open Seal Arcas Gift 1



Physical Description:
Big and burly is what first comes into mind when seeing Greyson. Indeed he towers most people and weights almost as much as two men. While he has a belly and people would consider him fat, one shouldn't underestimate the raw strength he has. He has a trimmed full beard slightly longer than his hair and of a dark brown colour. Similarily dark are his eyes. Overall, he's a pretty hairy man, and he has a big scar running across his right arm.

Greyson fits pretty well into the stereotype of the gentle giant. He is outgoing, friendly, and a gregarious man. He likes to help others, often without asking for something in return, and as such people tend to come to him for advice. He is rarely grumpy, and prefers to avoid a conflict instead of bullheading his way through.

Greyson Moore was born in Kodiak, Alaska. His parents came from a small village at the Yukon river near the Canadian border. Whenever he asked them about it they simply said his father found a job here, and he decided to not poke any further.

His childhood was rather uneventful, he was a friendly and outgoing boy, and helped out where ever he could without expecting anything in return.

As soon as he was of age, Greyson joined the local fire department. It wasn't easy but he liked the challenge and he could help the people in need. Most of the time he was busy with the maintenance of the equipment but more than enough he was called to rescue people from the cold rivers and avalanches.

Greyson's first change happened while he was on holiday. He wasn't much it a camper, but something led him to do it regardless. He was fishing when a bear threatened to attack him. Frightened to death the urge came over him and he changed. The fight was short and messy, and the bloody haze in Greyson's eyes lifted after the bear almost tore off his arm. He changed back, breathing heavily he watched the bear healing his wounds. It smiled at him and changed into homid as well. The man's name was Aaron Presley, he explained Greyson what happened, and became his mentor. [19:41] On his travels Greyson learnt that his father was kinfolk, and Aaron was actually a distant relative. He learnt the way of the Gurahl and his purpose. Eventually, it was time for him to prove himself. A couple of days ago a few cubs got lost, and the reports warned of an avalanche coming down in the area. Greyson grabbed the most important things needed for this and headed out. He was able to find the cubs just in time, and led him to a nearby mountain shack before the avalanche hit. The small group waited until the worst was over and Greyson led the cubs back home safely.

Earning the Rite, Greyson was accepted among the Ice Stalkers. Even though it wasn't necessary anymore he still spent time with his mentor and tribe. Just recently he heard about an unusual alliance in Florida. After long discussions within his tribe he ultimately decided to move to Florida, and offer this council of theirs his help.

5 # Attributes: Stamina 4 6 # Abilities: Swimming 1+2, Empathy 4 5 # Backgrounds: Umbral Glade +2, Resources +1, Ancestors +2 2 # Misc: Gnosis +1

Lore: Ice-Stalkers 2

Front Page Markup

Greyson Moore

Player: Shalassa


Big and burly is what first comes into mind when seeing Greyson. Indeed he towers most people and weights almost as much as two men. While he has a belly and people would consider him fat, one shouldn't underestimate the raw strength he has. He has a trimmed full beard slightly longer than his hair and of a dark brown colour. Similarily dark are his eyes. Overall, he's a pretty hairy man, and he has a big scar running across his right arm.


Greyson fits pretty well into the stereotype of the gentle giant. He is outgoing, friendly, and a gregarious man. He likes to help others, often without asking for something in return, and as such people tend to come to him for advice. He is rarely grumpy, and prefers to avoid a conflict instead of bullheading his way through.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup

Experience Tracking

Total XP: 00

Current XP: 00

This month XP Gained: 00/00

XP Gain Log:

Current XP requests:

XP Purchase Log:

app/output/greyson_moore_sheet.1719745334.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Jun/30 11:02 by