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Archibald Drummond, the Prince of Ruins

Player: Soneca



Height: 5'6“
Weight: 130lbs
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian(Celtic)
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Age: 20s

The presence of any Silver Fang is a striking one, and Archibald is no exception. At 185cm tall and with broad shoulders he has the bearing of a warrior, with a defined body inked along with tattoos in traditional celtic style. His face bears strong features, strong jaw and narrow blue eyes, the only embellishments visible are the scars on his face that do little to detract from his handsomeness. On the top of his head there’s the characteristic hallmark of the Silver Fangs, the white silver hair, kept short and disheveled just a little bit.

On the day to day life he is a practical dresser, but stylish. Always with some jewlery or or accessory to highlight his outfit. He does own a number of kilts he reserves for formal affairs and a blue tattered coat bearing the crest of his family on the back, the only belonging he was afforded to keep when exiled. It was but a heirloom after all.


A wolf with a dark-silver coat, a rugged yet proud creature with scars across his face and a piercing blue glare. Even in Lupus his prodigious size is visible, with a shoulder height of 90cm. When shifting into hispo, the savagery comes through, a massive wolf with 110cm of shoulder height and massive fangs. Rage is burning and the terror of primal times returns.


As Crinos he towers at 3m tall, scars and tattoos visible. The perfect image of an Ahroun in his prime, the heroes of old that united the nation and drove the wyrm to their heel, the eyes seem to faintly glow with rage. It is a proud and powerful figure, the ultimate expression of the tribe's authority and power.


Archibald is the type that keeps his cards open, he speaks with an unabashedly proud scottish accent. It is not that he lacks tact, he understands social cues well, he is just honest and proud of his heritage. His foul mouth can at times betray the royal bearing which he carries himself when silent. At heart he is fiercely protective of others, living by the motto than “The strong man defends himself, the strongest man defends others”. At times there’s feelings of lacking, that he can not actually protect and that he will never be a hero like his ancestors were. But he has no option but to try, it is all he know. Besides fighting, the Ahroun enjoys other forms of sports, particularly soccer and basketball which he practices as an amateur and vividly watches in his free time.

If left alone or let to introspect he tends to get caught in his own turmoil and brooding. In a while he despises the fact it is expected of him to rise to leadership. He never wanted it, and it is clear he has failed his family when Gleaming Eye came to Scotland. There’s a soft spot in his heart for celebration, good food and good music, a pretty face can easily win his attention and pull him out of the brooding. He values true friendships over favorbrooking or loyalty through heritage. And of course he has the typical fiery temperament of the full-moon, doom driven to battle.

Obvious Details

  • Banality Score: 3
  • Appearance: 3
  • Pure Breed: 3
  • Crossroads Membership: NA
  • Rage: 5

Less Than Obvious Details


  • Bruiser [Universal Merit] Between the scar, prodigious size and the mean resting face, he looks pretty scary
  • Animal Magnetism [WtA20 - Pg 480] Despite the scary looks there's also something alluring about him, the blue eyes. The way he moves.


  • Nightmares [Universal] In his sleep he is often tormented by nightmares of his failure and the death of his line.

pc/archibald_drummond.1700965289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/Nov/26 02:21 by soneca