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Damian Reed

Player: mr._g


Damian Reed looks to be around 28 years old, his body is slender but athletic. He has black hair and a mustache and a chin beard of the same color. His clothing is casual.


After his Resurrection Damian's personality changed dramatically: Not being the tomfool of his gang anymore, but still a thoughtful and introverted person most of the time. This changes when he can make himself useful helping other persons, wether they need really some treatments of sort or just someone to talk to. He really cares for the ones in need and wants to change their lives to the better.

Obvious Details:
Besides his crucifix pendant he always also wears a scarab pendant.
Sometimes you see bruises on different parts of his body.

Less Than Obvious Details:
For everyone who can see spirits from the Underworld: Damian has a cat spirit Companion which always is nearby.
The bruises heal much faster than they would for a mortal.
He always has some flasks and salves with him.

Banality Score:

pc/damian_reed.1711136693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Mar/22 19:44 by mr._g