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Greyson Moore

Player: Shalassa


Height: 2.01m (6'7)
Weight: 174kg (383lbs)
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
Figure: burly
Skin: fair
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Banalty Score: TBA
Crossroads: Probationary


Greyson fits pretty well into the stereotype of the gentle giant. He is outgoing, friendly, and a gregarious man. He likes to help others, often without asking for something in return, and as such people tend to come to him for advice. He is rarely grumpy, and prefers to avoid a conflict instead of bullheading his way through.

Obvious Details

Big and burly is what first comes into mind when seeing Greyson. Indeed he towers most people and weights almost as much as two men. While he has a belly and people would consider him fat, one shouldn't underestimate the raw strength he has. He has a trimmed full beard slightly longer than his hair and of a dark brown colour. Similarily dark are his eyes. Overall, he's a pretty hairy man, and he has a big scar running across his right arm.
His accent is Alaskan.

Flaws: Distinguishing Characteristics (scars), Lifesaver
Merits: Approachable

Less Than Obvious Details

Merits: Good Listener

pc/greyson_moore.1708872782.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Feb/25 14:53 by shalassa