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Other Titles: Fostered of Lady Ager

Appearance: In her mein, she has porcelin like skin with black button eyes. Her freckles look like they've been painted on. Her hair is thin and raggedy and dyed a dark blue. She wears a yellow raincoat that covers most of her body. All in all she looks like a doll that wished to be a 'real girl'.

In her mask, she bears many of the same features. Except they look more human.

Common known information: Runs a weekly fictional podcast called “The Drop Files”.

Supernatural information: Lady Ager's fostered childer, she treats her like a daughter and lets her get away with quite a lot. She's also a known reculse, giving Ager a run for her money.

setting/mildred_drop.1716761023.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/May/26 22:03 by grandt0ast33