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Sept of Strange Waters

Type: Wisdom
Level: 4
Totem: Uktena


In 1968 Mikasi Powell, soon deeded Walking-Funny, is born to Philodox Elder Kichwa Powell 'Northern-flame' and her kinfolk partner Askook. Both were equally important in the founding of the Sept of the Lily. He is raised in the safety of the northern Florida Sept of the Lily away from the dangers out of the city, but the young Ragabash's spirit of exploration could not be tempered. He would often sneak away to explore the nearby city of Jacksonville and the town of Starke, leading to a reputation for troublemaking. It is good then that a year later his closest ally Wanda Powell deeded 'Remembers the Turtle' was born to act as his voice of reason. Much to her annoyance. The following year the Powell's future pack are born of the same litter Ahroun Crushes-the-Wyrm, Theurge Reads-the-Signs, and Philodox Guards-the-Pack.
A year later, in 1971, the Sept of Lily is recognized as a true sept by the tribal elders of Big Brother. Having completed their rites of passage, Walking-Funny, Remembers-the-turtle and the three Lupus form a pack. Under which totem is known only to Wanda and Mikasi. Most have forgotten who exactly it was.
Then during the nineties, a time fondly remembered by some as the turning of the decade and the age of grunge music. The Sept of the Lilly came under attack by a combined attack from Fomori of the city and Black Spiral Dancers. All the elders save one are killed, the Sept Alpha Listens-to-Rain. Crushes-the-Wyrm, Reads-the-Signs, and Guards-the-Pack are killed by a Spiral Dancer pack who proceed to eat Crushes body. Walking Funny is nearly killed, and Wanda is wounded by the two's frenzy as the Black Spiral dancer pack demolishes them. It is said that Walking-Funny ripped out the dancer's stomach while he was still alive to get his packmates' corpse back with the final bit of strength he had remaining. Reinvigorated by the Rage.
Only Uktena himself intervening and dragging the bane into the waters below, squeezing the last of its foul breath out while the dancer's watch in utter horror, drives off the Wyrm army that the Fomori brought with them. Walking-Funny is one of the few Fosterns left, and becomes the newest elders, with Wanda rising to the rank shortly after.
Listens-to-Rain, alpha of the sept, dies during the week of nightmares and Walking Funny becomes the Sept Alpha having apprenticed under Listens-to-rain for a year.
Antonin Demeskin moves to the area with his retinue of vampires. Escaping from the Sabbat. They make a final stand against the Sabbat in Starke where Walking Funny fights alongside them. Helping prevent the death of the Prince and the destruction of the Sept from the Sabbat influence.
After the battle the Sept changes from Lily, to Uktena properly. In celebration of a friendship between Kindred and Garou.


Caern: The Caern of the sept is located on a jut into the swampy lake and is connected to the main land on the east. Surrounding it are backwater Cyprus trees that form a protective ring around the caern itself. The Caern is a natural limestone wellspring of water that reflects the umbral side once you peer into it, and reflects a beautiful emerald colour into the water. Drinking from this river is how most Garou regain their gnosis in meditation, but it is ill-advised to swim in it.
Bawn: On the bawn you'll find three disconnected lakes that house the pack lands on the various smaller alligator filled islands. Each pack's home is built as log cabins beside the lakes that overlook the small area they claim. On the Umbra, however, you'll find the waters rise very high. The sept supplies boardwalks to wander across the now connecting lakes. Uktena patrols these waters, waiting for someone to dare try and hurt his sept before bursting out of the water to drag them down into the swamp waters. Though often times he rests his head on the cearn to sleep.
Sept: On the physical word, the sept is considered the swamp lands surrounding the Cearn and the three lakes around it. Occasional breaks in the water are where Garou may rest and where Pack-lands are established. While some thicker scrubland sections without trees exist as meditation grounds. Occasionally, the packs with totems of birds and such are known to make tree houses hidden among the great Cyprus trees that grow high into the sky. On the lands are log cabins made by the Garou and Uktena to ensure their lands are not tainted.

setting/sept_of_strange_waters.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/03 20:45 by grandt0ast33