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The Dreaming of Starke


The presence of Lady Ager causes a certain air of strangeness to envelope the Dreaming of the Starke Area. Even if the dreaming changes, it holds onto a theme of mystery and foggy darkness. With the Florida region being a notoriously damp wetland, the Dreaming has changed to a gloomy swamp with a thick blanket of fog and fist.

In the dreaming, the sun is never out. Instead, the area is lit by gas lamps, fireflies and the moon. The silver path around Starke has mainly lamps on its path. It is a long, winding road of rickety wooden bridges that creak and groan beneath the weight of travellers.

Along the way people will find many creepy wooden cabins and old military forts jutting out the chimera infested waters. Housing sentient Chimera and Chimera. Lady Ager uses these cabins as an outpost for her guard and scouts.


Notable Locations

setting/the_dreaming.1718087721.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Jun/11 06:35 by grandt0ast33