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Announcements Thread

1 XP for -forming a pack-

Thomas Wise One

For the Scene " A Meeting about Wards" 2xp will go to

Gabriel Montague

ST XP goes to Vivian
"At my death may the bubbles of blood on my lips taste as sweet as berries. Give me not words of consolation.Give me magic,the fire of one beyond the borders of enchantment. Give me the spell of living well."-Awakening Osiris

The following characters recieved 2xp for the scene Candy's demise

John Howler
Dante Orso

ST XP- Nemeton/Anson Hawkes Em Khafra 2xp

To the mages of Starke and all other Night Folk, let it be known that the following have won 2 XP for the scene "Open the Door":
Joyce "Joy" Livingstone
Dante Orso
Elyes Walker

ST XP will go to Eliana

Also, these mages have earned the Chantry background worth 3 dots for officially joining the Continuum Study Chantry (Joy as a senior member), and have benefits as broken down here:

For the airport scene the following characters receive 3 xp

Vivian Ruby Cates ab Nofret
Anson Hawkes Em Khafra
Brian Weeks ab Sabra
Amon Farouk
Joyce "Joy" Livingstone
Eliana Williams
Dante Orso
Elyes Walker
John Howlett
Michael Radcliffe

Anyone else who was present that I forget.

STXP goes to Altair
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the Scene Kama kama Kami Kameleon Anson receives a single dot in Mentor(Wèi Zhōu Wáng)

2 ST XP to Glyff
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the Scene: Tacos and other forms of weaponry the following PCs gain 2xp


STXP to sponge.
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the Neonate scene the following PCs gain 1xp

I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

And because it was a fun weekend and I'm entitled to do so:

Everyone who participated to the Green Sapphire Weekend (Part 1 and/or Part 2) receive 2 XP!

(You know who you are)

Eliana and Rasmir receive a Jeep Renagade
Heath receives 5000 dollars and a crate of Champagne

ST XP goes to Joy Livingstone.

Happy St. Patrick's Day ! Cool

For the scene - learning the litany-


1 XP and the background mentor 1 (Ron Professor Peace). 

1 ST XP  to Nemeton XP sponge

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