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Announcements Thread

For the meeting scene ALL present characters gain 2xp.

STXP to Altair.
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the scene "New Arrival" the following character gains 1XP:


ST XP goes to Asad

Good evening cadets, for that exemplary service during "The Apollo Project" the following shall receive 2 XP:

Joyce "Joy" Livingstone
Dante Orso
Elyes Walker
Michael Radcliffe
Sig Thorirsson

ST XP will go to Eliana

Also the following Loot:
Monarch's Spy - Enchanted Relic capable of the Evocation: Scry (Lore of the Firmament ••). The subject must be a member of your court or subservient to you through a set contract. Usable three times per day, up to once per scene for a sacrifice of one temporary faith point
The Fundamentals of Perception - Grimoire, arete 3, Time 3, Mind 2. Paradigm: Bring back the Golden Age, Practice: High Ritual. it might also offer help with occult and high ritual abilities
Firmament's Wisdom - A magnifying glass capable of translating just about any language (yes, including hunter script), however you would need to reach an agreement with it, for which one requires further scene
10 bond fine cigarettes - charms, as per the rulebook
20 tass, half as bills, half as more cigarettes

Attention denizen of the Dreaming and dark, for the scene "Troll Market part 2", the ever benevolent Earthdawn grants 2 XP to the following victi- ..ahem... citizens:

Karl Wynnhurst
Melora Dopganner
Wayland Smith

For great Roleplaying and heroic actions

ST XP goes to Gabriel Montague

For the trip into the catacombs the following characters gain 3xp


STXP to Altair.
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

This month is the owner's birth month. So everyone gets a present... from me.

ALL CHARACTERS RECEIVE 5 XP, even those not yet approved, yes that includes you ByLightAlone.

Add it to your sheet, under the title "Celebration/Judas plot XP"
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the scene The Once and Future Prince, Room 3: The World in Black and White, the following loot was recovered:
  • Blanche's Book of Bedtime Stories: A truly horrific book detailing Blanche and Noire's experimentation involving Vicissitude. Not for the faint of heart. In fact, roll Willpower for every hour spent reading this book. If a vampire can successfully read five hour's worth, that vampire has justification to begin learning the Path of Metamorphosis if he or she can find a mentor willing to finalize the first dot of the Path. The book also mentions a certain other Tzimisce that may or may not have been in the area about half a year ago, after a certain Sinclair incident... and Blanche and Noire's collective frustration at only NOW being allowed to come to the area to try to find him.
  • Noire's Novella: An equally disgusting book detailing the creation of the Blood Brothers. Provides justification for another dot of Lore: Undead, as it goes into detail about a bloodline few vampires outside of the Black Hand even know exist.
  • Vicissitude Weapons: Several knives, a club, and shuriken made from bones and sinew. You'd rather not know whose they are. See Vicissitude in Vampire: The Masquerade: 20th Anniversary Edition to get the rules on how these types of weapons work in combat. These weapons will not break unless put under tremendous pressure or supernatural means. Blanche and Noire knew what they were doing when they made them.
  • Intel: The Sketches: The person they drew looks suspiciously like somebody who would not react well to seeing the pictures Vivian took of the artwork before burning it. Does she dare show him?

    For XP, please see the announcement directly preceding this one.

Thumbs Up 
For the Scene" Challenge Scene" Anson's ST Test Scene 1 all present gain 3 XP Anson gets ST XP of course.


and anyone else who was there. XP for running Sue goes to Vivian
"At my death may the bubbles of blood on my lips taste as sweet as berries. Give me not words of consolation.Give me magic,the fire of one beyond the borders of enchantment. Give me the spell of living well."-Awakening Osiris

For the scene The Once and Future Prince, Room 1: The Reckoning, the following loot was recovered:
  • Judas' Computer: A regular computer that doesn't seem like much, the chantry might be able to get something more out of it though.
  • Book of Nod: A copy of the Book of Nod. Unfortunately, it's written in a yet unknown language.
  • ???: A book that bears secrets about Koldunic Sorcery and the connection between the Earthbound Kupala and the Dracul Tzimisce, however, there might be even more to it.


Antonin Demeskin will be holding a celebratory feast at his club, the Valhalla Club, tonight.

All supernatural members of the community are welcome, and all reservations of the masquerade will be upheld. Antonin promises no violence against any who do not bring violence themselves.

Come celebrate the demise of the traitor, Judas Illyrium!
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

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