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Announcements Thread

For the Personal Scene: "Succumb to the Vapours", the following PC gains 1XP:


ST XP goes to TP's Sponge

For the Personal Scene: "The Truth that Lies in Blood", the following PC gains 1XP:


NPC XP goes to Jason Sadham.

Forgot to announce a few scenes.

For the two Werewolf Scenes on the 26th each present PC gains 2xp

STXP to Glyff.

For the Scene with Michael and the Chief, 1xp to him

STXP to Glyff

For the scene with Makena and Hummingbird... 1xp to her

STXP to Glyff
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the Personal Scene: "Historical Accuracy", the following PC gains 2XP:


Further, Reginald loses any dots of Status he may have had with the Camarilla.

ST XP goes to TP's Sponge

For the Scene "Confronting His Past: Cambodia" the following gets 2XP

Morgan Mer Neith Breaker

ST XP goes to Vivian Cates Ab Nofret
"At my death may the bubbles of blood on my lips taste as sweet as berries. Give me not words of consolation.Give me magic,the fire of one beyond the borders of enchantment. Give me the spell of living well."-Awakening Osiris

For the Scene: "My Ductus, My Priest", the following PCs gain 2XP:


ST XP goes to TP's Sponge

For the scene "Waiting for Sam", the following character gets 3 XP (successful Seeking scene!)

Alicia Ashcroft

ST XP goes to Joy Livingstone's sponge

Additional reward:
Arete 2 (already paid)
Justification for Expression 3 (to be paid in full)
Possibility to change her nature or demeanor to one of the following : Idealist or Innovator. (0 XP cost)

For the scene Contempt of Court, the following PCs gain 2 XP:

Xavier Sanders
Colin Corden
Cherry Albrecht
August Altham
Randall Hoskins
Yusef Bergeraon

NPC XP goes to:
Ada Hendricks
Caelan Chase
Reggie Burns
Karen Garner

ST XP goes to J and Joy's Sponges

In addition:
  • August Altham is promoted to Minister of Dust, and gains justification for another dot of Eminence.
  • Xavier Sanders gains the 'Special Responsibility' flaw for volunteering to teach Yusef about what it means to be a demon... and taking responsibility for any mistakes he may make.

For the belated scene "Chirp Chirp Goes the Rock", the following gain 2XP:


Additional items granted:
Battered Chimerical Plate Mail
Suspiciously strong great shield
9 Dross
Metamorphosis 3 Crafting Material (1)

XP goes to Sanityleak's Sponge

For 9/27 Scene "Bedside Manner" the following receive 2XP:

Helena Hyde

Receives a Treasure - Metamorphosis 1 x1 Glamour charge (4d10 d8 to use)

ST XP goes to Sanityleak's sponge

For the scene "Meet and Greet", the following characters receive 2XP: 

- Emerald
- Irene
- Satoru
- Angelica

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