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Announcements Thread

For the scene at thte Chantry, the following characters get 1 XP:


ST XP goes to Joy's sponge.

The request for a concealed gun (concealed Trinket 3) will be processed by Friday at the latest (ping me if I forget).

08/25/2020: "The winds that change the sands that flow", the following PCs gain 2xp


ST XP goes to Ha-Mavet's Sponge
NPC XP goes to Luga

Additional rewards:

Attention Denizens , 1 XP will be awarded to the Tea house at Fae bookstore


St XP goes to the Collector

For the scene with Master Wang, Bakennifi gains 2xp

STXP to Glyff
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the scene "First you target their food" (Tampa scene 1), the following characters get 3 XP:


ST XP gets to J's and Joy's sponges.

Attention Denizens , 1 XP will be awarded to the following Scene, Meeting the Amenti

Arthur Fengrass em Unas
Alkaline Meadows

St XP goes to the Collector

For the scene "The earth beneath their feet" Lyman gains 1xp

STXP To glyff
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the Following Scene "One Mother's Sorrow is another's...", the following characters receive 2 XP:


ST XP goes to Coyote's-Trap

For the pair of negotiation scenes, Barry and Reginald each receive 2xp

STXP to Glyff
I herd cats... cats in the form of ones and zeros.

Site owner, lead technical admin.

For the interrogation scene  (Tampa part 2), all characters presnt get 3 XP:

Cassie & Tiffany

ST XP goes to J and Joy's sponges.

Wolf's humanity decreases to 7.
All character present get a justification for Lore:undead one if they don't have it or alternatively Lore:awakened 1 (50% discount).

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