10-09-2022, 02:33 PM
For the scene: Batter down the Hatches, the Following earn 3XP
Ace the Garou
Bites the Bullet the Garou
Elena the Sorcerer
Skyler the Garou
Illyapa the Teomallki
Additionally the Garou earn the following Renown
+ 0.5 Glory (Defeating a Red Talon pack and spirit companions who were threatening the sept)
+0.1 Honor for helping to guard a Caern.
+0.2 Glory, 0.3 Honor for preventing the Wyld from overruning the Caern
+0.5 Wisdom (Ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou)
Ace also earns:
+0. 1 Glory, + 0.2 Honor for participating in a Just Challenge
-The one on one duel.
For the scene: Batter down the Hatches, the Following earn 3XP
Ace the Garou
Bites the Bullet the Garou
Elena the Sorcerer
Skyler the Garou
Illyapa the Teomallki
Additionally the Garou earn the following Renown
+ 0.5 Glory (Defeating a Red Talon pack and spirit companions who were threatening the sept)
+0.1 Honor for helping to guard a Caern.
+0.2 Glory, 0.3 Honor for preventing the Wyld from overruning the Caern
+0.5 Wisdom (Ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou)
Ace also earns:
+0. 1 Glory, + 0.2 Honor for participating in a Just Challenge
-The one on one duel.