11-09-2023, 10:49 PM
For the scene "An excellent proposition", the following character gets 2 XP:
Valeiro Lusus
ST XP goes to JP and Joy.
NPC XP goes to:
Edward Finn
This scene gives the consequence of the -4 botch rolled by Valeiro for his Criminology classes.
Valeiro accepted an internship at SRI (a law company) where he will work part-time under Edward Finn's direct supervision (and while still keeping his other job at Rose Interactive). If the intership goes well, he'll be allowed to move on to the next year of his criminology courses, otherwise he'll have to retake the year.
Also Valeiro gets Edward Finn as contact for free and justification for his first dot in law (to be paid in full).
Valeiro Lusus
ST XP goes to JP and Joy.
NPC XP goes to:
Edward Finn
This scene gives the consequence of the -4 botch rolled by Valeiro for his Criminology classes.
Valeiro accepted an internship at SRI (a law company) where he will work part-time under Edward Finn's direct supervision (and while still keeping his other job at Rose Interactive). If the intership goes well, he'll be allowed to move on to the next year of his criminology courses, otherwise he'll have to retake the year.
Also Valeiro gets Edward Finn as contact for free and justification for his first dot in law (to be paid in full).